Posted by: Juanita | April 18, 2010

Week 2: Photo Scavenger Hunt

I value what I have

Our first Adobe Youth Voices class was a big success on all counts! We began with an overview of the program and explained that youth worldwide are participating in a project like this, finding their voices through creative multimedia. We presented them with an eight week schedule which included the enticing skill set we will be developing. We were all excited to get started.

It’s important to us that the girls feel they have ownership of their learning. So we created a Value Tree together. A Value Tree provides us with a mutually agreed upon set of ideas that grounds our group with united principles. Each girl was given leaves to write her values on. Respect, solidarity, honesty, and tranquility were some of the values the girls included. Capturing the enterprising spirit of last week, one girl wrote HaHaHooHoo on her leaf which brought smiles to the facilitators faces. We added our leaves to the branches of the tree.

Beca shared that the leaves represent each one of us individuals. She then suggested that the class as a whole come up with a common theme, and that we add that theme to the trunk of the tree. The girls came up with three themes and then penned them in on the trunk and roots of the tree:

  • Compartiendo talentos y realizar los proyectos
    Sharing talents and carrying out projects
  • Lo que nosotros pensamos se ve reflejado en nuestros trabajos
    What we think is reflected in our work
  • El respesto al derecho ajeno a la paz
    Respecting the rights of others for peace

All of us then signed our names on the roots of the tree.

Next, we were ready to get rolling on our photo scavenger hunt! We randomly divided the girls into three teams, Beca, Katie and I each leading a team. We had 35 minutes to find 6 photos:

  1. Close-up
  2. Far away
  3. Color
  4. Movement
  5. Person or people
  6. Open

The three teams ran up and down alleyways looking for photos. It was incredibly fun watching the girls looking at their environment with new eyes as they searched for these six items. We taught them about framing a photo and seeing the composition each idea they had would make.

After the 35 minute hunt, we returned to our classroom where the teams selected their favorite photo for each category. Next week, we plan to use the favorites to create stories. Stay tuned!

Vanessa, Katie, and Kasandra reviewing their photos during our Photo Scavenger Hunt.


  1. […] In related news: you can read about what we did this week with the girls at Week 2: Photo Scavenger Hunt. […]

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